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Cid, R. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1982, Sobre el movimiento de N sólidos sometidos a una atracción proporcional a la distancia, Actas IX Jornadas Matemáticas Hispano-Lusas, Vol. II, pp. 937-940, Universidad de Salamanca.
Cid, R., Elipe, A. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1985, Soluciones permanentes de tres giróstatos en un campo central, Actas X Jornadas Matemáticas Hispano-Lusas, Sección IX, pp. 69-80, Universidad de Murcia.
Sansaturio, M.E. y Vigueras, A.: 1985, Movimiento roto-traslatorio de un giróstato en un campo central newtoniano, Actas X Jornadas Matemáticas Hispano-Lusas, Sección IX, pp. 18-27, Universidad de Murcia.
Vigueras, A. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1985, Movimiento roto-traslatorio de un giróstato triaxial en interacción newtoniana con una esfera, Actas X Jornadas Matemáticas Hispano-Lusas, Sección IX, pp. 9-17, Universidad de Murcia.
Sansaturio, M.E. y Vigueras, A.: 1985, Translatory-rotatory motion of a gyrostat in a Newtonian force field. In Stability of the solar system and its minor natural and artificial bodies, V.G. Szebehely, Reidel Publishing Company, Series C, Vol. 154, p.403. (Abstract).
Sansaturio, M.E.: 1986, Movimiento de sólidos en un conjunto superabundante de variables. Aplicación al sólido pesado. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Zaragoza.
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Cid, R. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1987, Movimiento de un sólido pesado en un conjunto superabundante de variables, Revista de la Academia de las Ciencias no 42, pp. 91-103, Universidad de Zaragoza.
Ferrándiz, J.M. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1987, Algunas propiedades de las extensiones canónicas, Actas XII Jornadas Matemáticas Luso-Españolas, Vol. II, 484-488 (1987).
Cid, R. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1988, Motion of rigid bodies in a set of redundant variables, Celest. Mech. 42, pp. 263-277.
Ferrándiz, J.M. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1988, General motion of a triaxial rigid body in a Newtonian force field. In Long term dynamical behaviour of natural and artificial n-body systems, A.E. Roy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Series C, Vol. 246, pp.181-187.
Sansaturio, M.E. y Vigueras, A.: 1988, Translatory-rotatory motion of a gyrostat in a Newtonian force field, Celest. Mech. 41, pp. 297-311.
Ferrándiz, J.M. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1989, Elimination of the nodes when the satellite is a non spherical rigid body, Celest. Mech. 46, pp. 307-320.
Ferrándiz, J.M. y Sansaturio, M.E.: 1989, Elemento de tiempo en variables de Ferrándiz, Actas XIV Jornadas Matemáticas Hispano-Lusas, Vol. III, pp. 1231-1235.
Ferrándiz, J.M., Sansaturio, M.E. and Vigo, J.: 1991, On Long-Time Predictions of Satellite Orbits by Numerical Integration. In Predictability, Stability and Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems, A.E. Roy, Ed., NATO ASI series B272, Plenum Publishing Corporation, pp. 387-394.
Ferrándiz, J.M., Sansaturio, M.E. and Pojman, J.R.: 1992, Increased Accuracy of Computations in the Main Satellite Problem through Linearization Methods. Celest. Mech. 53, pp. 347-363.
Ferrándiz, J.M., Sansaturio, M.E. and Vigo, J.: 1992, On the Accurate Numerical Computation of Highly Eccentric Orbits, Paper AAS92-193, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 79, Parte II, pp. 1185-1204.
Ferrándiz, J.M., Sansaturio, M.E. and Vigo, J.: 1993, Long-Time Predictions for Highly Eccentric Orbits. In Instability, Chaos and Predictability in Celestial Mechanics and Stellar Dynamics, K.B. Bhatnagar Ed., Nova Science Publishers Inc., pp. 353-363.
Ferrándiz, J.M., Sansaturio, M.E. and Caballero, R.: 1993, On the Roto-Traslatory Motion of a Satellite of an Oblate Primary, Celest. Mech. 57, pp. 189-202.
Ferrándiz, J.M. and Sansaturio, M.E.: 1994, Extended Canonical Transformations with Redundant Variables: Hamiltonian and Lagrangean Formulations and Degeneration, ZAMP Vol. 45 (Issue 3), pp. 458-477.
Ferrándiz, J.M. and Sansaturio, M.E.: 1995, A Note on the Canonical Character of the Stiefel-Scheifele Time Element. In From Newton to Chaos: Modern Techniques for Understanding and Coping with Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems, A.E. Roy and B.A. Steves Eds., NATO ASI Series B: Physics Vol. 336, Plenum Publishing Corporation, pp. 545-550.
Ferrándiz J.M. and Sansaturio M.E.: 1995, Non-Existence of Rational Integrals in the J22-Problem, Physics Letters A 207(1995), pp. 180-184.
Sansaturio, M.E., Milani, A. and Cattaneo, L.: 1996, Nonlinear Optimisation and the Asteroid Identification Problem. In Dynamics, Ephemerides and Astronomy in the Solar System, S. Ferraz-Mello, B. Morando and J.E. Arlot Eds. (IAUS No. 172), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 193-198.
Ferrándiz J.M., Sansaturio M.E. and Vigo, I.: 1996, Non integrability of the truncated zonal satellite Hamiltonian at any order, Physics Letters A 221 (1996), pp. 153-157.
Sansaturio, M.E., Ferrándiz, J.M. and Vigo, I.: 1997, Non- integrability of some Hamiltonian systems in polar coordinates, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 30, pp. 5869-5876.
Sansaturio, M.E., Ferrándiz, J.M. and Vigo, I.: 1998, Non Integrable Cases in Satellite Dynamics, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, Eds. A. López et al., Astronomical Observatory of the Valencia University, pp. 101-108.
Sansaturio, M.E., Ferrándiz, J.M. and Vigo, I.: 1998, The non-integrability of the truncated two fixed centres problem., J. of Diff. Eq., 143, pp. 147-150.
Sansaturio, M.E., Ferrándiz, J.M. and Vigo, I.: 1998, Non- integrability and chaos in satellite orbital dynamics, Paper AAS98-131, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 99, Parte I, pp. 487-499.
Sansaturio, M.E. and Vigo-Aguiar, M.I.: 1998, Numerical approach to non-integrability and chaos phenomena in satellite dynamics, The Book of Abstracts, IMACS 98, University of Alicante, Spain, pp. 43-46.
Sansaturio, M.E., Ferrándiz, J.M. and Vigo, I.: 1999, Non- integrability of the motion of a point mass around a planet of arbitrary shape. In The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System: A Major Key to Solar Systems Studies, A.E. Roy and B.A. Steves Eds., NATO ASI Series C522, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 295-302.
Sansaturio, M.E., Milani, A., La Spina, A. and Muinonen, K.: 1999, The asteroid identification problem (extended abstract). In Impact of Modern Dynamics in Astronomy, J. Henrard and S. Ferraz-Melo Eds., Proceedings of the IAU colloquium 172, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 363-364.
Milani, A., La Spina, A., Sansaturio, M.E. and Chesley, S.R.: 2000, The Asteroid Identification Problem III: Proposing Identifications. Icarus, 144 (Vol. 1), pp. 39-53.
Milani, A., Sansaturio, M.E. and Chesley, S.R.: 2001, The Asteroid Identification Problem IV: Attributions. Icarus, 151 (Vol.2), pp. 150-159.
Vigo-Aguiar, M.I., Sansaturio, M.E. and Ferrándiz, J.M.: 2003, Integrability of Hamiltonians with Polynomial Potentials. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 158, pp. 213-224.
Sansaturio, M.E. and Arratia, O.: 2005, Algoritmos eficientes para la identificación de asteroides: aspectos computacionales. Jornadas Científicas 250 años de Astronomía en España 1753-2003. Editado por Miguel Vallejo, Centro de Ayudas a la Enseñanza de la Armada, pp. 335-341.
Milani, A., Chesley, S.R., Sansaturio, M.E., Tommei, G. and Valsecchi, G.B.: 2005, Nonlinear impact monitoring: Line Of Variations searches for impactors. Icarus, 173, pp. 362-384.
Milani, A., Sansaturio, M.E., Tommei, G., Arratia, O. and Chesley, S.R.: 2005, Multiple solutions for asteroid orbits: Computational procedure and applications. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 431, pp. 729-746.
Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., Znezevic, Z., Sansaturio, M.E. and Arratia, O.: 2005, Orbit determination with very short arcs. II Identifications. Icarus, 179, pp. 350-374.
Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., Znezevic, Z., Sansaturio, M.E., Arratia, O., Kubica, J., Jedicke, R., Dennau, L., Grav, T. and Heasley, J.: 2006, Unbiased orbit determination for the next generation surveys. In Asteroids Comets Meteors 2005, D. Lazzaro, S. Ferraz-Mello and J.A. Fernández Eds., Cambridge University Press. IAUS 229, pp. 367-380.
Sansaturio, M.E. and Arratia, O.: 2007, Single and multiple solution algorithms to scan asteroid databases for identifications. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 2, Symposium S236 (Near Earth Objects, our Celestial Neighbors: Opportunity and Risk), A. Milani, G.B. Valsecchi and D. Vokrouhlicky Eds., Cambridge University Press, pp. 269-280.
Sansaturio, M.E. and Arratia, O.: 2008, Apophis: the Story Behind the Scenes. Earth, Moon and Planets, Vol 102, Nos. 1-4, pp. 425-434.
Milani, A., Chesley, S.R., Sansaturio, M.E., Bernardi, F., Valsecchi, G.B. and Arratia, O.: 2009, Long term impact risk for (101955) 1999 RQ36. Icarus, 203, pp. 460-471.
Sansaturio, M.E. and Arratia, O.: 2012, Mining knowledge in One Night Stands data sets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, pp. 3399-3405.
Arratia, O., Obaya, R. and Sansaturio, M.E.: 2012, Applications of the exponential ordering in the study of almost-periodic delayed Hopfield neural networks. Physica D, 241, pp. 1551-1566.


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M.E. Sansaturio